At the Fourth Ammonia Fuel Conference in San Francisco, California, Greg Vezina of Hydrofuel Inc. gave a presentation (October 16, 2007). You can read a transcript in HTML here (easier to read on screen) or PDF (better for printing) formats.
Greg Vezina of Hydrofuel Inc. presented at the Fourth Annual
Ammonia Fuel Conference in San Francisco, California, on
Oct. 16, 2007. The following is a transcript of the presentation:
HOST: Well fasten your seatbelts and put your tray tables up
because Greg Vezina is going to make an interesting talk for
us. Greg has been working in the ammonia fuel field for 25
years in Canada, a quiet secret in the United States, but he
brought some interesting news down to us. He’s going to talk
to us and take us into lunch.
What we’re trying to load is a clip that was on the Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation last November showing Greg in a
1981 Chevy Impala crashing into Princess Diana’s… laughter
from crowd.
VEZINA: That’s right, crashing into the wall – crashing into
the government of Canada, exactly.
HOST: Can you start without the clip?
VEZINA: Yeah, if we can get it to run we’ll go. Kathy brings
him something Thank you Kathy.
VEZINA (CONT’D): Hi everybody. The first thing I would like
to say is I would like to thank John Holbrook and Norm Olson
for making it possible for me and all the rest of us to start
this great and epic battle again.
The first speech I ever gave on ammonia fuel was the first
speech I ever gave in my life, and it was at the Recreational
Vehicles Manufactures Association convention in 1981. The
RV people thought it was quite cool that ammonia worked
and that we could run some RVs on it. And I can assure you
of absolutely one thing – that today the floor show will be
worth the price of admission ladies and gentlemen.
VEZINA (CONT’D): This all started when I was sitting in a
garage and read an article about ammonia fuel and some
work that had been done by Professor Jeff Kerr and some
other people, and I realized that ammonia was the cheap and
easy way to get to hydrogen. But I’d like to pay a brief tribute
to Frodo, the Frodo’s of ammonia. Because many, many of
the people that have ever lived, that have ever made a
vehicle or engine run on ammonia fuel, are alive today –
starting with Vito Agosta, Professor Jeff Kerr from the
University of Tennessee, the work that we did in
Saskatchewan and Canada in 1981 to 84’, of Ted Hollinger of
HEC, Shawn Grannell and his colleagues from the University
of Michigan, and the thing that gives us great pleasure and
great promise is the fact that we get a chance to try it twice.
And it isn’t very often when you try something and don’t have
the success that you sought that you get to try it twice.
Geez, I’d really like to play that video.